n leben
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Unser 17. Leben beginnt mit einer Kooperation mit der Garage Platform for the Arts Enna, Sizilien!
18. April 2024
19:00 Painting eyes - Mirjam Dorsch: There are always two people painting eyes. Mutual, or one-sided, as everyone likes. With eyes open or eyes closed, as everyone dares.
21:00 Concert: Electronic Music - Daniel Dorsch: https://danieldorsch.de/projects/electronic-live-act/
19. April 2024
15:00 Painting eyes - Mirjam Dorsch: Invitation to action: There are always two people painting eyes. Mutual, or one-sided, as everyone likes. With eyes open or eyes closed, as everyone dares.
15:00 Silence and tea, infinite nothingness - Katharina Kamph and Huachao Chen: In the dialogue format "Silence and tea, infinite nothingness", Huachao Chen and Katharina Kamph talk with people about their idea of nothingness. Be it holes, empty spaces, what is still missing or what has already disappeared. Sitting in a circle, the tea drinkers are invited to remain silent for as long as it takes to finish their own cup. The shared conversation and philosophical dialogue is repeatedly interrupted by the drinking pauses. A framework is created in which the silent thought processes taking place become visible. In which the loss of words has a form and a place.
16: 00 Wir wiegen Ihren Stein. - Birgit Kunz and Lydia Moijzis: In their work "We weigh your stone", the two artists invite you to pick up a stone on the street or the footpath at the Lidl car park through intensive observation. To turn it into something special special. Escapism lies in the smallest gesture here. In the
immersion in a microcosm and the attempt to catalogue it, to catalogue it.
18:00 Wir wiegen Ihren Stein. - Birgit Kunz and Lydia Moijzis: In their work "We weigh your stone", the two artists invite you to pick up a stone on the street or the footpath at the Lidl car park through intensive observation. To turn it into something special special. Escapism lies in the smallest gesture here. In the
immersion in a microcosm and the attempt to catalogue it, to catalogue it.
20. April 2024
15:00 Painting eyes - Mirjam Dorsch: There are always two people painting eyes. Mutual, or one-sided, as everyone likes. With eyes open or eyes closed, as everyone dares.
15:00 Silence and tea, infinite nothingness - Katharina Kamph and Huachao Chen: In the dialogue format "Silence and tea, infinite nothingness", Huachao Chen and Katharina Kamph talk with people about their idea of nothingness. Be it holes, empty spaces, what is still missing or what has already disappeared. Sitting in a circle, the tea drinkers are invited to remain silent for as long as it takes to finish their own cup. The shared conversation and philosophical dialogue is repeatedly interrupted by the drinking pauses. A framework is created in which the silent thought processes taking place become visible. In which the loss of words has a form and a place.
21. April 2024
15:00 Painting eyes - Mirjam Dorsch: There are always two people painting eyes. Mutual, or one-sided, as everyone likes. With eyes open or eyes closed, as everyone dares.
15:00 Silence and tea, infinite nothingness - Katharina Kamph and Huachao Chen: In the dialogue format "Silence and tea, infinite nothingness", Huachao Chen and Katharina Kamph talk with people about their idea of nothingness. Be it holes, empty spaces, what is still missing or what has already disappeared. Sitting in a circle, the tea drinkers are invited to remain silent for as long as it takes to finish their own cup. The shared conversation and philosophical dialogue is repeatedly interrupted by the drinking pauses. A framework is created in which the silent thought processes taking place become visible. In which the loss of words has a form and a place.
15:00 Legen sie Gurken ein - Birgit Kunz and Mona Schmidt: Legen Sie Gurken ein is a call to preserve. The beauty of preserving is that you know something was real. The jar of pickled cucumbers is the relic of a harvest. Work that preserves the abundance of one moment in time for a later one.
27. April 2024
16:00 Reading Performance - Louisa Schrimpf
28. April 2024
16:00 Reading Performance - Louisa Schrimpf
03. Mai 2024
15:00 Painting eyes - Mirjam Dorsch: There are always two people painting eyes. Mutual, or one-sided, as everyone likes. With eyes open or eyes closed, as everyone dares.
15:00 Silence and tea, infinite nothingness - Katharina Kamph and Huachao Chen: In the dialogue format "Silence and tea, infinite nothingness", Huachao Chen and Katharina Kamph talk with people about their idea of nothingness. Be it holes, empty spaces, what is still missing or what has already disappeared. Sitting in a circle, the tea drinkers are invited to remain silent for as long as it takes to finish their own cup. The shared conversation and philosophical dialogue is repeatedly interrupted by the drinking pauses. A framework is created in which the silent thought processes taking place become visible. In which the loss of words has a form and a place.
15:00 Haarspalten - Ji Un Roh: I was sitting in the centre of the room. Behind me stood a woman with a single-edged knife in her hand, whom I had invited three days earlier. She was splitting the hair on my head.
The public had been invited on the street, at the railway station and in museums in Berlin to appear with a knife whose blade I would sharpen in order to split my hair. The title "Hair Splitting", action, art, my name, the place and time of the action were printed on the invitation card, which was distributed in an edition of one hundred copies over two weeks. Only one woman brought her knife to the action.
That is a brief summary of my action. Through language I try to reflect the reality that is infinitely silent. But for a moment I can put myself in relation so that I can merely participate in the breaking fact. A moment is a form of beginning.*
(1 Emmanuel Levinas, Die Hypostase, in:, Die Zeit und der Andere, Hamburg, Meiner 1984, S. 27)
17: 00 Haarspalten - Ji Un Roh and Dr. Thomas Becker: Ji Un Roh in conversation with Dr. Thomas Becker
04. Mai 2024
15:00 Painting eyes - Mirjam Dorsch: There are always two people painting eyes. Mutual, or one-sided, as everyone likes. With eyes open or eyes closed, as everyone dares.
15:00 Silence and tea, infinite nothingness - Katharina Kamph and Huachao Chen: In the dialogue format "Silence and tea, infinite nothingness", Huachao Chen and Katharina Kamph talk with people about their idea of nothingness. Be it holes, empty spaces, what is still missing or what has already disappeared. Sitting in a circle, the tea drinkers are invited to remain silent for as long as it takes to finish their own cup. The shared conversation and philosophical dialogue is repeatedly interrupted by the drinking pauses. A framework is created in which the silent thought processes taking place become visible. In which the loss of words has a form and a place.
15:00 Haarspalten - Ji Un Roh: I was sitting in the centre of the room. Behind me stood a woman with a single-edged knife in her hand, whom I had invited three days earlier. She was splitting the hair on my head.
The public had been invited on the street, at the railway station and in museums in Berlin to appear with a knife whose blade I would sharpen in order to split my hair. The title "Hair Splitting", action, art, my name, the place and time of the action were printed on the invitation card, which was distributed in an edition of one hundred copies over two weeks. Only one woman brought her knife to the action.
That is a brief summary of my action. Through language I try to reflect the reality that is infinitely silent. But for a moment I can put myself in relation so that I can merely participate in the breaking fact. A moment is a form of beginning.*
(1 Emmanuel Levinas, Die Hypostase, in:, Die Zeit und der Andere, Hamburg, Meiner 1984, S. 27)
05. Mai 2024
19:00 Asche / Sound and dance performance - Huachao Chen and Mona Masuyama: Mona moves between clothing, movement and music. She is interested in how clothing can be perceived not only visually but also acoustically. For her music, she mixes experimentally recorded noise and piano sounds.
Huachao dances intuitively. He switches off his head while dancing. The body takes the initiative.
In this performance, an element ash is added, which is the reality that remains after the demise of reality. Reality and illusion, escapism and realism, day and night, zero and one, what is behind this world, which is dominated by dualism?
16leben | Eskapismus
The artist group N-leben looks at the active aspect of escapist behavior and invites us to do so. Various escapist gestures will be tried out in several workshops.
Escapism is understood by the artists as a formative creative moment that asserts a connection to the world and does not flee from it.
The artists' group N-Leben, has been working for several years in ever-changing constellations on participatory exhibition concepts that invite everyone. We work in episodes that we carry as a consecutive number in our name. Each episode is a life. These episodes consist of temporary spaces in which art takes place and collaboration is invited.
Salwa Aleryani, Huachao Chen, Daniel Dorsch, Mirjam Dorsch, Anna Firmberger, Bernhard Ilzer, Katharina Kamph, Kveta Kazmukova, Birgit Kunz, Mona Masuyama, Lydia Moijzis, Ji Un Roh, Mona Schmidtke, Sabrina Schieke, Sandra Schieke, Heiko Sievers, Louisa Schrimpf
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