Guidelines was created as a new way of publishing online. Whether you use it for your portfolio site or as an online experiment lab have a read through the five points below to get a feel for how the site works.
1. Just do it! allows you to publish your work and get it laid out in minutes so if you've got an idea give it a go! If you don't like it move it around, add something or get rid of something, just try it out! Build on what you have and you'll see your work grow.
2. Don't steal.
Don't post work you don't have the rights to post. If we're informed of anyone using someone else's stuff or impersonating someone else we'll remove the offending material and contact the user to discuss it. This will be looked at on a case by case basis and is not intended to stop mashups or satire.
You're your own person, be yourself!
3. Share the love.
Show people your work! The more places you link to your pages the more people will see it and the bigger the response you'll get. If you know someone who could use send them an invite and get them involved (you can send invites from the page index just look for the link at the top) and if you like using then why not let the world know (the Facebook world) by liking us here!
4. Keep it clean. is your space for you to do what you want, we don't censor anything but at the same time we do not allow content which is racist, hateful or overly graphic. Anything which is considered to cause harm to others will be removed and we will contact the user to discuss it. Say what you think, speak your mind but don't hurt others while you do it.
5. Be Seen.
We're always on the lookout for interesting pages and work from our users to post on our front page and share around our social networks. We're especially interested in people bending to fit their needs! If we find something we like we'll contact the user to check if they want to be featured before posting, but we never look at any pages that are set to unpublished. We don't and will never take any ownership or copyright over your work!
Keep creating and be nice! If we have any problems or have been informed of a problem with your site we'll contact you, if you have any questions or problems send us an email either at or tweet us @Salon_io. Its good to talk!
If you're looking for our more serious legal terms of service click here.
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