Qué martirio
En l'últim mes, aquest vídeo ja no es possible de veure. Infringia alguna normativa? El pròpi usuàri va esborrar-lo? Quina molèstia amaga la seva desaparició?
17:21 People genuinly enjoy watching sleep streams, that's why I make them . People are such sweethearts, nobody hates on my streams but, in other videos people say Oh, cringe man, this cringe.
But in sleep, everybody gives positive feedback, so thank you!
0:01 Welcome young children
0:05 To my sleep stream.
0:30 I'm gonna have to move my bed
1:35 Here we go
1:55 How is the view?
2:13 How are you?
2:15 I'm gonna go change this shorts!
2:42 Great!
3:30 Still a little closer..
4:03 You choose
5:00 If anybody is on the chat, type the letter "h", just below
5:16 I can see one person's on
7:12 Bring my broken phone
7:38 oops!
9:29 Somebody's still on! Please say something in the chat
12:45 ( talking with an adult ) where's my ski-mask?
12:54 You wanna die??
12:56 Me neither
13:20 I'm putting on just medical lipstick
15:11 (Singing)
15:17 I look like musica.ly kids!
16:54 See ya'll in the morning!
18:34 The right choice is, just keep watching!
20:20 If you like this videos just say something on the chat!
35:16 Hi what's up, how are you?
0:01 Number two!
0:06 I've been taking your suggestions
0:19 My lips are severely chapped
0:39 You're Welcome!
1:43 People also told me to put it ( the blanket ) only up to my waist
1:52 I'm gonna put on a long-sleeve shirt
2:27 Oh men, I wasn't realize I was on camera
3:52 Hi there! I'm going to sleep now
6:48 If this video hit 400 views in two weeks I will give you away....I'll think about that..
7:29 Twenty rolls of toilet paper
7:35 If this video gets 200 views...300 views!
7:45 no..200 views, in one week I will buy...
7:55 Make sure you say, if you are here, say "me", put it down below. No wait, say TP
8:30 Just kidding!
8:36 I look like I'm wearing make-up
0:01 I'm live
0:51 I need suggestions of what I should do
0:56 That's a real good angle actually
1:01 I'm gonna shape my bed [...] same angle that camera's angle
1:15 you're ready?
1:20 I'm really tired. So tell me right now do you want just that light on?
1:32 This is just closet light
3:34 I want to wear ski-visor
5:08 You can subscribe
MrZDucki feel like i rackognice u
5:18 Yeah You write me on Xbox
5:46 I actually going to ski in my dreams
5:56 Peace!
6:15 Now I play Fortnite
OxygenBreath sap que no s'ha de despullar davant la càmera. Pero la seva visibilitat sent un nen petit, és un perill per la seguretat, una falta de #responsabilitat?
OxygenBreathe està molt còmode mostrant la seva intimitat dormint. Sembla que aquest estat de visibilitat i públic i el maneig amb el dispositiu està normalitzat en ell. Interactúa amb total naturalitat amb el seu dispositiu i amb el potencial públic que el pugui estar mirant.#compatibilitat-dispostius
OxygenBreathe fa bromes i tonteries pròpies de la seva edat al públic. No sembla tenir gaire vergonya, sinó que s'expressa divertidament, dormir públicament es només una excusa per una estona més de diversió. I ell aprofita per mostrar la seva personalitat, explicar els seus gustos..#construcció-identitària
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