Extraschicht 2011
Showcasing our insane technological capabilities, this cutting edge evening of energy waste was packed with tons of projections, real time motion graphics, lego computing, buddha machines, marble madness, live data wrangling, fischertechnik, crt-monitors, , rfid-cards, sensors of all kind, motors, alarmsignals and error messages, a "hamster" and an amazing amount of useless productivity.
Being highly metaphoric, we improvised over the main theme of the evening at Kokerei Zollverein: "Arbeit, Kraft, Energie" and left not just one visitor speechless if not clueless...
Rest assured: everything was completely under control and no animals have been harmed!
Extraschicht 2011
A (real)live-installation-performance-visualart-extravaganza about failing boss-style and industrial insanity
Mischanlage, Kokerei Zollverein, Extraschicht 2011
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