Whizzinator Belt is a device used to simulate the process of urination for drug testing purposes. It contains a fake penis, waist belt and organic heating pads which keep an accurate body temperature for up to eight hours - as well as one vial of high quality synthetic urine, syringe and precise instructions.
It is comfortable to wear
The Whizzinator was designed for discreet, comfortable liquid transfer. Both men and women can utilize it. The product comes equipped with over 4 oz of synthetic urine that is toxin and disease free premixed, two organic heat pads, an easy-to-read temperature strip, detachable 100% cotton elastic belts with detachable elastic loops, as well as 60ml syringes along with detailed instructions.
A pressure belt helps increase bladder bag pressure for better urine flow. Adjusting its level is easy too - simply turn a dial. Furthermore, its soft design means it is safe against your skin - perfect for wearing in any situation and practicing is recommended beforehand in front of a mirror in order to become familiar with how to hold the device correctly and make sure not to siphon out fake pee from its sac!
It is easy to clean
The Whizzinator is a bag device worn around your waist that you fill with fake urine for use during urine tests. Easy to use and maintain, the Whizzinator has been widely used by probationers and NFL players to pass supervised urine tests; however, any attempts at cheating a drug test could lead to criminal charges if discovered.
This fetish urine kit has been carefully reviewed and certified as 100% safe by an industry professional for use. The kit includes a refillable belt, one vial of Gold'n Shower lab-grade synthetic urine that shares all the same characteristics with human urine such as pH, color, smell, specific gravity, foam thickness etc, two eight hour heating pads attached to its pouch for warmth as well as detailed instructions and detailed procedures for safe usage.
The Whizzinator features a straightforward return policy, so if it does not perform as promised you can always get your money back. Once returned the manufacturer will review your item and offer you a refund if unused.
It is safe to use
The Whizzinator is a device that simulates male urination for medical research or sexual fetish play. The kit contains a urine bag, heating pads to maintain body temperature when heating synthetic urine and a false penis; users can fill this bag with their own or synthetic urine as needed; plus it comes with a pressure belt to increase urine output.
This fake pee is designed to resemble real urine in both appearance and smell, using ingredients such as uric acid and creatinine. Additionally, its manufacturer took extra steps to match both physiological pH levels and specific gravity of natural urine samples.For all you need to know about SYNTHETIC PEE, click here or check out our site.
However, misuse of the Whizzinator may land you in legal hot water if caught by law enforcement or probation offices. A Tennessee man, Jonathan Jackson, went to jail in 2014 after using it to bypass drug tests administered lawfully. Alternative Lifestyle Systems' general manager maintains its products are sold as adult novelty items or gag gifts and should not be used against lawful drug tests.
It is discreet
The Whizzinator belt is designed to be discreet and easy to conceal. With a waistband and strap designed specifically to match your skin color, five skin tones are available so that it fits seamlessly. However, direct observation drug tests should not use it.
The kit includes a disposable medical-grade vinyl bag attached to an elastic belt for secure carrying, as well as realistic prosthetic features and urine refills that replicate human-like pH, color, scent and specific gravity characteristics of urine. In addition, there is an organic heat pad to maintain body temperature throughout use of this synthetic urine product.
A pressure belt increases bladder pressure to boost urine output and easily start/stop its flow. Users should pay close attention when using this device as failure to do so could result in legal consequences or arrest - it would be wiser not to use this device in public places as any misstep could potentially get caught and be faced with legal charges.